It is always a bit useful to know a little about the author's background. To know "where he is coming from" so to speak. First, I am a Mechanical Engineer who loves machines and is fascinated by the study and mastery of them. I am a "tinkerer" by nature and "dive deep" to figure out how and why things work. This led to me creating a few inventions that were awarded US Patents. My Father was a gifted mechanic (airplane- Navy Chief Mechanic on B24, auto, bus and truck) and he taught me what he knew. I became a Certified Master Auto Technician. My long career included being responsible for large fleets of thousands of buses and supervising hundreds of mechanics. Later in life, I studied economics and finance, making a living managing investments--"diving deep" to figure out the intrinsic value of investments and the best way to build investment portfolios. I am an accomplished race car driver and a Private (Single Engine Land) Pilot.
Much of my career involved dealing with compliance to Federal and State Regulations. In transportation (especially school buses) that involved safety regulations for operation and maintenance. In my manufacturing management career, that involved regulations regarding the recovery and recycling of ozone layer depleting refrigerants for auto and HVAC service industries. And, finally in the investment management business, as my firm's Chief Compliance Officer, a deep understanding of regulations regarding financial services. All of this prepared me to be comfortable with the study and compliance with regulations regarding flight and aircraft.
These articles are meant to be valuable to all of these groups, however, since am clearly in the Born Again Evangelical group, the reader will sense that I have a personal relationship with a Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and that I communicate with all three "persons" of this being. To the Unbeliever, this may seem to be some odd relationship with "an imaginary friend". To me, it is a perfectly natural relationship with a real supernatural being with whom I communicate with thru prayer, reading and study of the Holy Bible, and thru diligent and hypersensitivity to circumstances. And, I am sure that God is active in my life, helping and protecting me. (Even with God's help and protection---in this life, bad things can happen to good people---it is important that we always keep in mind that our abilities come from God and we are expected to use them. Life on earth is not the reward--life in Heaven is.)
As a scientist-engineer, I believe that God is the creator of all things, and our study and understanding of science is a form of God revealing his extraordinary handiwork to us. So I am OK with the science "discovering" that the earth is millions of years old, and OK with modern evolution being declared a quite foolish theory--at least the idea than mankind evolved from apes. I believe the Bible is a true revelation from God--only man's interpretation of it can be in error. I believe that God delights in our application of this scientific knowledge and in the mastery of our creations--such creations often being machines. So, the motivation for my "learning" and acquiring of skills is very much part of my Christian life.
It is also important to know that I do not think this belief makes me "better" than anyone else. I am not "self-righteous" and my "preaching of the Gospel" is most often simply by the example of how I live my life. And "preaching the Gospel" is simply the declaration that God loves ALL men/women and in the person of Jesus Christ, died to pay the price for mankind's rebellion, and he rose from the dead to make a place for his Believers/Followers to dwell forever with Him in a perfect place called Heaven. The Good News is that nothing else is required, other than Belief, Trust, Love and a good faith attempt to be like Him (Jesus) while here on Earth. And, mankind was created to exist only with a relationship with God, and a love of God---without that relationship, mankind is incomplete, unhappy and lost. As a Christian Chaplain I attempt to share this message whenever and wherever appropriate.
People often tell me that they are "not very religious" but admire many "Christian Morals". They are often surprised to learn that I too am not a big fan of "organized religion" that seems to dwell more on man made rules, secular business-money oriented activities and prideful self-righteousness than on the simple Gospel and a loving relationship with God.